important! this website contains a lot of flashing and blinking images, which may be unsafe to view for those with photosensetive epilepsy or other conditions. do you wish to disable them, or continue as normal?

the most autistic site on the web

a picture of will toledo looking at a computer

site button for your nefarious needs

a link button graphic for the website dogmotif

if you would like a non animated version, just add "_safe" to the end of the img link and switch .gif to .png :)

WELCOME TO (WIP) DOGMOTIF.NEOCITIES.ORG - here you will find all things car seat headrest related! my name is bug and im not very good at html/css/js but i love car seat headrest. if you, like me; love this band with your whole heart-- join my csh webring!

this is just a fansite, but i used to use it as my main site also so things are a bit wonky, bear with me folks. here is my , if that interests you.


button that says dont click here button that says 'no nazis, no fascism, no racism' button that says 'ceasefire now' with the palestinian flag waving beside it

warning symbol this symbol indicates a WORK IN PROGRESS! click at your own risk.